Our Westbury bees have been busy collecting nectar all spring and we have now spun our first honey for the year. We have a limited amount available for sale at £8 per 454g jar. Phone 07885 268500 to collect.
Author: bee-group admin
Our first ever HONEY SHOW is to take place during the HERITAGE OPEN DAYS 7-8 september 2024. Westbury Arts Centre is taking part in the Heritage Open Days this September, and we are delighted to announce that Westbury Bee Group are to host our first-ever HONEY SHOW during this event! Except for our lovely presence, there’ll also be…
21st February 7pm – 9pm Beekeeping expert Mike Bensley and Westbury Bee Group will provide a fascinating insight into the life of a honey bee. You will be provided with information about the life of a honey bee, as well as what happens within a hive and the division of labour. Learn just how important…
WE HAD SOME EXTRA HANDS EXTRACTING HONEY IN AUGUST – Our honey extraction evening was made extra special when our lovely Milton Keynes Mayor and Mayoress came to help us out!
In August we collected the supers that were full of capped honey. This was our 4th and final extraction of 2023. All of this year’s bee-keeping course students have been able to attend at least one extraction. Our teacher and expert Mike Bensley shows us the techniques and then we all work together to extract…
OVER 250 PEOPLE ATTENDED OUR BEE FEST – WBG’s yearly festival turned into a great success. This year our Bee Fest was opened by the Milton Keynes Mayor and Mayoress. They both showed great interest in our bees and honey production; so much so they even attended one of our honey extractions at a later…
THE WESTBURY BEE GROUP IS TAKING PART IN HERITAGE OPEN DAYS THIS SEPTEMBER – You’ll find us in the Legge room at Westbury Arts centre! We are delighted to share that Westbury Arts Centre is taking part in Heritage Open Days this September! Except for our lovely presence, there’ll also be a number of exciting activities…